[504] It’s on fire!!!

Continuity is, sometimes, a hard thing to do. It takes a lot of commitment and extra effort. But I’m on fire today, literally. After evacuating some patients, victims and firefighter troops in a fire incident this afternoon.

I need to calm down my mind after handling fire incident, so why not try to play some words. As for me, learning some new vocabs in other languages can relax my mind. It’s weird, isn’t it? Yea, indeed. 😅

I opened lesson 3 in 504 book, read a story which title was “Start Saving for Sable” and found these third 12 magic words:

  • Expensive
  • Typical
  • Scarce
  • Minimum
  • Annual
  • Essential
  • Blend
  • Visible
  • Persuade
  • Beau
  • Devise
  • Wholesale

Without further ado, let me try to arrange them into a new story:

It was just a typical sunny day in Balikpapan when I was riding my motorbike back home from my workplace. Although my profession is a doctor, I am not a beau, a man with a reputation for fine dress and etiquette. That’s why riding on a motorbike suits me better. It’s not that I couldn’t afford to buy expensive car. But for me, I prefer some scarce sport cars, which doesn’t suit my workplace area.

I’m not into glamorous fashion which French say “à la mode” as well. That’s why many times my wife tried to persuade me to change my style. For me, to look more appealing or classy. But how can I say? I’m just a jeans-and-T-shirt type guy. Even I don’t mind to buy some clothes in annual sale in wholesale. In my humble opinion, what is essential is not always visible to the eyes.

However, in social hierarchy, if we want to blend with many kind of people from jet set to unsophisticated low-life, there are almost always minimum requirement for that. We have to adapt with their styles, whether it’s by accommodation or assimilation. That’s why I need to devise some wise methods for adaptation. After all, with time, everything changes, and nothing is wrong with that.

As usual, feel free to correct my phrases or sentences. Thank you. 😉

Pajanan Ergonomi: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Akibat Kerja

1 dari 10 orang di dunia bisa menderita penyakit ini. Namun tidak semuanya selalu diakibatkan oleh kerja. Ini hanya sekedar coretan micro teaching selama 15 menit. But it’s still nice for you to know. 😅


  1. Permenaker no.25 tahun 2008 tentang pedoman diagnosis dan penilaian cacat karena kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja
  2. Barry S Levy David H Wegman. Occupational Health Recognizing and preventing world related disease.edisi ke 3
  3. Soemarko DS, Sulistomo AB. Tujuh Langkah Diagnosis Okupasi untuk mendeteksi Penyakit Akibat Kerja. Perhimpunan Spesialis KEdokteran Okupasi Indonesia, Jakarta 2011.
  4. Week, JL, Gregory R Wagner,Kathleen M Rest, Barry S levi. A Public Health Approach to preventing occupational Diseases and Injuries in preventing Occupational diseases and injury. Edisi ke 2, APHA, Washington, 2005.
  5. Konsensus Tatalaksana Penyakit Akibat Kerja di Indonesia, Jakarta, 2019.

Pakai winget Bisa Install Aplikasi Windows dari Command Line

Bagi pengguna OS Linux, BSD, OSX hingga varian operating system lainnya berbasis UNIX, instalasi file dari baris perintah bukanlah hal yang baru. Bagi pengguna windows? This is awesome. This might be a giant leap for mankind.

Apa sih hebatnya Linux, BSD dan operating system serupa? Ada banyak, salah satunya adalah keberadaan paket manajemen yang memudahkan penggunanya bisa menginstal berbagai macam aplikasi hanya dengan mengetik sebaris perintah pada terminal. Ga perlu ribet cari file pendukung (dependency) satu per satu. Ga perlu ribet install aplikasi harus download dahulu dari alamat web tertentu. Ga perlu copy paste file tertentu secara manual biar aplikasi bisa jalan. And many more…

Pada tulisan ini, saya coba pisahkan menjadi beberapa bagian agar bisa langsung skip jika dirasa terlalu panjang:

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[504] I Lost You, yet I Found You Again

At the end of 2018, I planned to learn some new vocabularies from a legendary book: 504 Absolutely Essential Words. After I wrote this post, the book vanished into the air.

I’ve been searching for this book all around the place. But I couldn’t find it anywhere. And some time after that, I stopped blogging. 2 days ago, I found this book in the shed. Among the piling of some old documents. Dusty and worn.

I felt sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I left this book without good care. Happy because I can treasure this book as my source of learning. So rather than blaming myself, I opened lesson 2 and stared at the second 12 magic words. Those words made a rather peculiar story “Terror In the Cemetery”. Those words are:

  • tempt
  • frigid
  • wager
  • recline
  • dismal
  • shriek
  • corpse
  • numb
  • peril
  • sinister
  • conceal
  • inhabit

It’s difficult to construct them again into another story. But I need to. And I have to. This is one of some methods that I must do to learn some new vocabs, and let me try… 😅

My friend and I have been learning some foreign languages on Duolingo. One day, in a frigid weather in December 2020, she tried to tempt me with an offer. She said with a rather sinister smile, “You have all the achievement but one in Duolingo, don’t you? Why don’t we make a wager for your last achievement?”

I didn’t know what she was planning to conceal at the time, but I never reject exciting challenges. So when I came back home, I sat on the floor and needed to recline on the carpet rug to have some other perspective. The idea was to inhabit the Duolingo apps for 365 consecutive days.

My mind was made up when out of a blue I heard a loud shriek from my TV. It came from a middle-aged woman on the news, she cried in a frustrated dismal agony. I learned the fact that her son was murdered and his corpse was mutilated into several parts. He was the victim of “Silver Man”. The murderer, Silver Man, was so resentful because he had been sodomized for several times by the victim before he mutilated him.

I was astonished. And I felt so numb. What kind of peril could happen in such an environment? We never know. So instead of thinking too much on recently weird moment, I called my friend and said, “Okay, I’ll take the challenge”

Feel free to correct my phrases or sentences. And about the story of Silver Man, it’s based on true story in Indonesia during the pandemic. It’s so sad. Indeed…


‘Silver man’ confesses to killing, mutilating alleged rapist in Bekasi | Coconuts Jakarta

Polisi: ‘Manusia Silver’ Mengaku 50 Kali Disodomi Korban Mutilasi (detik.com)

5 Situs Online Terbaik untuk Belajar Mengetik 10 Jari

Pelajaran paling dasar yang didapatkan di sekolah biasanya membaca, menulis dan berhitung. Hanya sedikit yang mendapatkan pelajaran mengetik.

Padahal saat ini, kebanyakan informasi yang kita akses membutuhkan kita untuk mengetik terlebih dahulu. Googling? Ngetik. Update status di Social Media? Ngetik. Jadi keyboard warrior? Ngetik. Buat skripsi, tesis dan disertasi? Ngetik. Scripting/coding? Ngetik.

Saking pentingnya mengetik, banyak jenis pekerjaan yang menanyakan profisiensi mengetik kita seperti kecepatan & akurasi mengetik, apakah mampu menggunakan aplikasi office dsb. Saya tidak akan menjabarkan manfaat lain dari mengetik karena sudah saya ulas di sini.

Berikut 5 situs yang sering saya kunjungi untuk latihan.

  1. 10fastfingers
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Learning Pentesting 7: Hack The Box?

This time, it’s not about Metasploit… But rather learning basic pentesting from a trusted website.

Lama vakum dari dunia IoT membuat saya harus mengulang beberapa basic yang terlupakan. Ada banyak situs belajar online untuk latihan scripting/coding, hingga pentesting. Salah satunya di situs Hack The Box ini. Di situ diajarkan banyak hal mulai dari level dasar hingga level mahir.

Menariknya kita bisa menggunakan mesin yang disediakan secara online. Jika environment yang digunakan adalah unix/linux system, OS yang disediakan adalah Parrot OS dan kita bisa menggunakan fitur SSH untuk masuk ke dalam sistem target. Sementara jika environment yang digunakan adalah Windows, fitur RDP yang digunakan untuk mengakses sistem target.

Akses via SSH ke mesin target
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Oh, How I Love pwsh and bash simultaneously…

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is so daaamn awesome. No more virtual machine. No more persistent USB. No more dual booting. No more different machines. It can work seamlessly now.

I was away for so long from the IoT, and guess what? So many informations and datas have left me alone in the shadow. Even I didn’t continue my project in python and pentesting. Take a look at Windows nowadays. It becomes friendlier and more sophisticated. Microsoft’s team even started cross platform and open source project. And I love it. It’s going to a great direction and destination.

Gone are the days when people say Windows is just for GUI users. Gone are the days when it becomes a victim of hacking target. Together with the assistance of Canonical Ubuntu, Microsoft Windows has been developing many projects, such as WSL. In addition, their powershell project has been developed openly and is available in GitHub.

Those shells above are Power Shell Core 7 (pwsh) and Bourne Again Shell (bash) run from windows terminal. Two different command lines in different ecosystem with the same achievement. Yea… Quite lovely, isn’t it? Another innovation from Microsoft Team. And beforehand, it’s just black and white for command.com and and command prompt (cmd.exe), no major tweaks for them. Only color command. Gone are the days when the terminal is not sex-appeal. I mean it :p

So what makes powershell different from cmd?
  1. The commands and syntaxes in powershell are totally different. However there are aliases, so we can use unix and dos environment commands interchangeably.
  2. Powershell is considered a scripting interpreted language, like python, it can process commands directly.
  3. A simple lightweight command is called cmdlet in powershell and can be combined through piping.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab windows and linux at your fingers seamlessly. Trust me, it works 🤩

“Le Grand Voyage”, a Film About Life

Life is not all about the destination, but the routes taken to reach that destination, the journey.

I was hopping from one television channel to another, expecting to watch French or German’s film, when suddenly i found this film. C’était vraiment formidable.

Long story short, this film tells about relationship between a son and a father on their pilgrimage journey. This journey is rather extreme uncommon in this era, while normally Moslems all over the world go to Mecca by air plane, the father insists on going by car. From South France to Saudi Arabia. Across 2 continents and 10 nations: France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia.

A driver. A passenger. In an old car. With countless unpredictable experience.

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Learning Pentesting 6: Hacking Android via Metasploit over WAN

Update tulisan metasploit setelah 5 tahun berselang? Banyak hal-hal baru, tapi konsep lama tetap sama. Banyak pula video tutorial metasploit di youtube. But still, I’m an old fashioned guy who loves writing rather than existing in social media.

Di beberapa tulisan learning pentesting sebelumnya, semua metodenya bersifat LAN/WLAN. Local only. Sekarang saya coba buat yang WAN (Wide Area Network) alias beda jaringan, mumpung ada waktu di sela kesibukan pandemi covid-19 ini. Ada beberapa cara yang populer untuk pentesting over WAN, di antaranya menggunakan port forwarding atau tunneling dengan menggunakan ngrok. Pada kesempatan ini saya coba ulas port forwarding terlebih dahulu.

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[504] An Abandoned Book

When I cleaned up my cupboard, i gazed upon something that made me feel nostalgic. A book: 504 Absolutely Essential Words.

It was a third edition book published by Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. A book that i never finish to read. So i opened lesson 1 and stared at those first 12 magic words. Those words made a good story “My Brother, The Gentleman”. Those words are:

  • abandon
  • oath
  • data
  • keen
  • vacant
  • unaccustomed
  • jealous
  • hardship
  • bachelor
  • tact
  • gallant
  • qualify

Because learning foreign language always needs a process and I knew my English is mediocre — even worse than my French — so i tried to make those words in sentences:

I have an oath to become a keen learner. But the hardship i find the most in my life is inability to maintain endurance in order not to abandon what i am learning.

It is necessary to qualify for that process. Therefore, an immediate and serious action must be taken. So not to be jealous of gallant bachelor who has splendid data in his brain.

I might be unaccustomed at first. Moreover, no one else has the same pace in such kind of learning process. It feels like the universe is vacant. But i have to use tact to deceive my subconscious. To never stop learning.

And please… Feel free to CMIIW…